Monday, June 18, 2007

Slut Brothers Wet Run

Pittsburgh is a beautiful city and I love the view from Mount Washington. But after spending a week attending a conference at an expensive hotel there, it was nice to get back home to Houston and some good Mexican food. Our Pittsburgh departure was delayed for four hours because of storms around the Houston area but all was clear by the time we got here.
I got up Sunday morning, ready to go hashing. The storms had returned and lighting and thunder rumbled all around. But by afternoon, the weather was improving, and by the time the run started in the Addicks reservoir area, the skies were a beautiful blue, and the air was a crisp and comfortable 78 degrees. How often do we get that in Houston in the middle of June?
The slut brother promised a 100% shiggy run and they delivered. As soon as the pack cleared the reservoir levee, the trail was off road and led the hounds through miles of mud and water. The water slowed the FRBs, and helped to keep the pack together. Much of he trail was through ankle deep water, but many sections were knee deep. When we came to the bayou crossing near the end of the trail, the water was deep and required swimming across 50 or 60 feet of water, which I elected not to try. I’m not a good swimmer. When I was younger, I could swim the length of the pool, but I haven’t done that in years. So I ran the trail backwards back to the cars. By doing so, I probably ran further than anyone else on trail. It was kind of interesting doing the trail back alone, because I could hear and smell so many things that I missed before. The birds were singing, the frogs were croaking, and the fragrance of wild flowers was delightful.
I auto wanked to the on-on at a park on Highway 6 right beside Buffalo Bayou. McPisser led the circle under gorgeous blue skies. The On-on-on was at the JP Hop House, a Karaoke bar, where we were entertained by some talented performers. To the delight of the crowd, the bar owner talked Dry Hose into performing a couple of Eagles songs. Dry Hose played guitar and sang, and we all sang along with him. It was a great day. Life is good.


Annie Thrax said...

Sounds like I missed a great time! I guess the word shiggy from my home hash up north is different from shiggy here. This I could have handled. Next time!

-tunnel said...

Great write up. Looking forward to hashing with you soon!!